Brain fog, tiredness and more…?

Brain fog, tiredness and more…?

Unexplained weight gain? Constant tiredness and brain fog? Feeling bloated after eating?   Unfortunately, all of these are quite common during menopause.   And there may be many reasons why you might be feeling that way…   But what if I told you, that...
Is testosterone all about men?

Is testosterone all about men?

When you hear about testosterone, you might think it’s all about men… But actually, testosterone is just as important for women, and it often missed out of the conversation when it comes to balancing female hormones. What if I told you, that you have been making a...
Revenge Bedtime Procrastination anyone?

Revenge Bedtime Procrastination anyone?

If you’ve been feeling tired lately… And wondering why, there may be many reasons for that. Well… for me, it’s my SLEEP. And in my case, the problem is Revenge Bedtime Procrastination. Revenge …what? 🤔 Let me explain 😃.   When your day is...
Intermittent fasting: yes or no?

Intermittent fasting: yes or no?

Have you heard of intermittent fasting? Or micro-fasting? Or time-restricted eating?   Before you say “No thanks Olga, it is not for me”, just hear me out 🙂. You might want to know that fasting is 👍 NOT a fad diet 👍 one of the amazing tools in your...
Can you smell the coffee?

Can you smell the coffee?

Have you had your morning coffee yet? I have to admit… For me it’s a “love and hate” relationship with coffee 😅… I love the taste of it, and the smell of it 😇…. It makes me feel so comforted and happy at the same time…and I enjoy sharing a nice cup of coffee...