Do we all need HRT?

Do we all need HRT?

I was talking to a 68-year-old woman, who asked me if she should start HRT She had no symptoms of menopause. She has done really well to get to the age of 68, to have transitioned through menopause without needing any medication or HRT. She was really active,...
Essential Oils…a trend or a fad

Essential Oils…a trend or a fad

Do you feel like you’ve been hearing a lot about essential oils lately? While you might think essential oils are a new, hip trend, these highly concentrated plant extracts have been used for therapeutic purposes by ancient civilizations around the world for...
The quintessential weed

The quintessential weed

With much needed sunshine my garden is now a lot greener and covered in… dandelions!   I don’t know how about you, but FOR YEARS I have been trying to clear our lawn off those “weeds” by pulling them out!   Until I learned a few things about this amazing...
Are you a rushing woman?

Are you a rushing woman?

Do you know that when your ovaries are slowly shutting down during perimenopause, they hand over the job of making sex hormone to your adrenal glands? Those are the same glands that make your stress hormone, cortisol.   And if you’re always on the go and...
Are all sunscreens the same?

Are all sunscreens the same?

I don’t know how about you, but I am really looking forward to some sunshine now☀️…   Sun is essential to produce vitamin D and we need at least 10-30 min of direct sunlight every day without sun screen or protection.   However, getting too much sun exposure...