
Do you know that when your ovaries are slowly shutting down during perimenopause, they hand over the job of making sex hormone to your adrenal glands?

Those are the same glands that make your stress hormone, cortisol.


And if you’re always on the go and your adrenals are worn out from a “rushing woman” lifestyle, they will not be able to produce oestrogen, progesterone and testosterone.


So, you might be trying very hard to lose weight, get better sleep, and improve your mood.

And yet, you still feel stuck.


If this is you, it’s time to stop rushing.

Take this from one rushing woman to another 😀. You can do this! 👍


How? Here are 3 effective tips:


1. ☕ Prioritise self-care and schedule some downtime.

Block out downtime in your busy schedule and make it non-negotiable.

It could be anything you enjoy. It could be just 1 hr a week. Meeting a friend for a cuppa. Watching a Netflix series. Going for a walk.

You will soon find that you will enjoy the rest of your week, knowing that downtime is already scheduled in.


2. 🧘‍♀️Review your exercise 

What worked for you in your 20ties and 30ties might not be what your body needs now. Tune in to your body more and listen to what kind of workout it might need.

Some days, you might feel like doing a high intensity (HIIT) training, some days you might feel like going on a walk.

Less push-on and more nurturing sessions like yoga or pilates will give your body and your adrenals a rest, balancing your hormones.


3. 🤗 Get a daily dose of oxytocin

Remember this hormone? If you are a mother, this is the hormone that came flowing through you when you held your baby for the first time. Oxytocin gives you that sweet feeling of being loved and helps you balance your sex hormones.

Any animal lovers here? Oxytocin makes you feel calm and relaxed when you snuggle with your pets.

Hugs, laughter, hanging out with your friends, petting animals, listening to music, random acts of kindness, giving someone a gift – are all simple ways to increase your natural levels of oxytocin.


It’s easy to look at this list and dismiss how powerful each one of these steps can be for your hormones.

And even if you feel like you can’t slow down the responsibilities in your life, I encourage you to try and see how your menopause symptoms change.


Which one of these steps will you try this week?