
As I’ve just returned from the annual conference of the British Society of Lifestyle Medicine in Manchester, my head is still buzzing from new and exciting insights in the health space…


I would love to share my highlights with you!


🌟Microbiome – the trillion of healthy microorganisms🦠 living on our skin, in out gut, and pretty much every part of our body, are finally getting the respect they deserve! They regulate our digestion, immune system, and even mood!

More on this in my future emails.

But for now, have a listen to the “Microbiome Medics” podcasts, run by 2 GPs, one of them is a fellow Glaswegian Dr Sheena Fraser.



🌟Lifestyle Medicine for children

Should we try in instil healthy habits in our children? And how do we do it? What about the picky eaters?….

The short answer is – no need to stress…just be a role model for your children.

And they will follow you… eventually!😀

Apparently it takes 9 times for a kid to try something new before they actually like it!

So, to all parents out there, keep trying!🥦


And finally,


Menopause awareness and media interest has skyrocketed in the last few years, which is a positive change.

HRT is now being prescribed to 2 million women in the UK (and it’s rising)


🔥in 46% of women HRT has not resolved their symptoms 🔥
(The Faucett Society 2022)

As a result….

🤷🏻‍♀️🧐many women are confused and frustrated…
So, what are the alternatives?

CBT, other medication, complimentary and herbal remedies… might help some women BUT…


❇️Addressing lifestyle factors is suitable for all!


All above could be done with empathy to empower women through menopause 👉more in my future posts.


I hope I have given you some food for thought 🙂.